As the introduction of the special issue “Plots and Urban Rgenration”, this paper focuses on the multifaceted term of “plot”, aiming to analyze the multidimensional relationship between plot and urban regeneration, and to explore organic regeneration methods for plot patterns. This paper is divided into three main parts. Firstly, it clarifies the multifaceted connotations of the term “plot”, summarizing it into three main attributes, namely as an element of urban form, as a unit of land ownership, and as a unit of land use planning. Secondly, it discusses the significance of studying the relationship between plot and urban regeneration from the perspectives of influencing mechanisms, research history, and the practical requirements for organic regeneration in China. Finally, it introduces the content structure of the special issue, highlighting the selected five papres, including three papers in Chinese and two English-Chinese translations. These papres are organized around topics such as the analysis of the plot concept, planning and control of plot pattern in the context of urban regeneration, the impact of plot patterns on economic activities, and the identification and evaluation of plot patterns under different renewal scenarios. The discussions involve issues related to the morphology, function, property rights, and planning control of plot patterns in the context of urban regeneration, with the aim of promoting the establishment of a multidimensional, refined planning control mechanism for plot patterns in China’s urban regeneration efforts.