2023年 第2期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.095
Essential Features and Practical Examples of Density Zoning Control in Urban Planning

唐子来 田宝江 张月

Tang Zilai, Tian Baojiang, Zhang Yue

关键词:密度分区 ;开发强度 ;规划管控 ;容积率 ;基本特征
Keywords:Density Zoning; Development Intensity; Planning Control; Floor Area Ratio (FAR); Basic Feature

城市规划是对建成环境的公共干预,包括规划编制和开发控制两个主要环节,密度(开发强度)管控是开发控制的核心指标之一。本文简述了城市密度分区管控的基本特征,可以归纳为普适性和特定性,层次性和调适性。城市密度分 区管控的普适性是指城市中几乎所有地区都适用的共同规则,特定性是指城市中 部分地区涉及的特定规则,需要进行密度分区管控的局部修正。国内外城市的实 践表明,城市密度分区管控的基础是依据用地类型和区位条件确定开发强度控制 的普适性规定,在此基础上通过局部修正体现局域特定性。城市密度分区管控的 层次性一般包括宏观层面的城市开发总量、中观层面的开发强度分区和微观层面 的开发强度分配,调适性则意味着在空间和时间两个维度上的调适可能。在我国 当前的新型城镇化背景下,城市密度分区管控在实现城市高质量发展、落实国家 政策导向、塑造城市特色风貌等方面将发挥日益重要的作用。


As a public intervention in the built environment, urban planning consists of two main components: planning compilation and development control, while density (development intensity) control is one of the core indicators of development control. This paper briefly describes the essential features of urban density zoning control, which can be summarized as generality and particularity, as well as hieratical and adaptive. Generality refers to common rules that applies to almost all areas of the city, while particularity refers to specific rules involved in some areas of the city that require local amendments to density zoning controls. The practice of cities at home and abroad shows that urban density zoning control is based on general regulations of development intensity control according to land use types and location conditions, with local specificity reflected through local modifications. The hierachy of urban density zoning control includes total urban development at the macro level, density zoning at the meso level, and development intensity allocation at the micro-level; while adaptability implies the adaptation both in spatial and temporal dimensions. In the context of China’s current new urbanization, urban density zoning control will play an increasingly important role in achieving high-quality urban development, implementing national policy guidance and shaping urban characteristics






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