2024年 第1期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2024.002
Progress of Urban Informatics in Urban Planning Research, Practice, and Education
刘超 吴志强
Liu Chao, Wu Zhiqiang
关键词:城市信息学 ;城乡规划 ;数字化 ;城市数据 ;规划决策 ;智慧城市
Keywords:Urban Informatics; Urban and Rural Planning; Digitalization; Urban Data; Planning and Decision-making; Smart City
希望能为我国城乡规划学科的未来发展提供有益参考 :一是城乡规划学应利用信息科学技术进
行创新并在学科交叉中获得新知 ;二是重视在实践中解决实际问题,凝练科学问题。
Abstract:Urban informatics, a pivotal and innovative field within urban and rural planning, serves
to broaden the theoretical and technological horizons across the domains of teaching, research, and
practical implementation. The profound integration of urban informatics with urban planning has
emerged as a significant endeavor, aiming to foster substantial disciplinary progress and enhance the
practical applicability of urban planning endeavors. This scholarly paper undertakes a comprehensive
review of the historical evolution of urban informatics, both domestically and internationally, with a
primary emphasis on four fundamental areas: urban perception, urban big data, urban analytics, and
planning decision-making. Through a rigorous collation of degree programs and curriculum frameworks
from prominent universities worldwide, the study unveils the profound implications of urban
informatics on planning research, practical applications, and educational paradigms. However, the study
also identifies notable barriers that exist between the practical implementation of urban informatics in
China and the predominantly educational-driven scientific research within universities. In recognition
of these challenges, this paper offers two key insights to guide the future development of urban and
rural planning disciplines in China: Firstly, an emphasis on innovative and interdisciplinary applications
of information technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of urban planning processes;
secondly, a heightened focus on distilling and addressing scientific challenges emerging from practical
contexts to ensure the relevance and applicability of urban planning.
作者简介:刘超,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,助理教授 ;自然资源部国土空间智能规划技术重点
吴志强(通信作者),中国工程院,院士 ;同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授。