2024年 第1期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.308
西方绿色绅士化研究进展与启示 —— 《绿色绅士化——城市可持续发展与为环境正义而战》述评
Research Progress of Green Gentrification in West: Review on “Green Gentrification: Urban Sustainability and the Struggle for Environmental Justice”
关键词:绿色绅士化 ;环境正义 ;绿色转向 ;城市可持续发展 ; 绿色空间悖论
Keywords:Green Gentrification; Environmental Justice; Green Turn; Urban Sustainable Development; Green Space Paradox
的研究进展进行回顾和总结 ;在此基础上,从四个方面提出了该著作
对我国未来绿色绅士化研究的启示 :(1)检验绿色绅士化内涵的本土
适用性 ;(2)评估我国城市绿色绅士化的表现和效应 ;(3)关注我国
绿色绅士化的过程和机制 ;(4)提出解决我国城市绿色绅士化的路径。
Abstract:In the post-industrial era, more and more cities are upgrading and
“greening” through the redevelopment of unused and abandoned land and largescale green infrastructure construction projects. The book Green Gentrification:
Urban Sustainability and the Struggle for Environmental Justice written by
Kenneth A. Gould and Tammy L. Lewis was published in this background.
This paper combs and interprets the book from three aspects: the basic concept
and connotation of green gentrification, generation mechanism and mitigation
strategy of green gentrification. It also reviews and summarizes the research
progress of green gentrification in the West. On this basis, the new trend of green
gentrification research in China is proposed from four aspects: (1) testing the
local applicability of the connotation of green gentrification; (2) evaluating the
performance and effects of urban green gentrification; (3) focusing on the process
and mechanism of green gentrification; (4) proposing pathways to solve the
problem of urban green gentrification.
基金项目:广东省创新强校工程 2018 年度项目(2018WTSCX203),佛山市社科规
划项目(2020-QN23),吉林大学珠海学院创新能力培育工程 2020 年度