2024年 第3期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2024.198
“X 分钟城市”的概念、内涵与规划方法
Concept, Connotation and Planning Methods of X-Minute City

罗雪瑶 柴彦威

Luo Xueyao, Chai Yanwei

关键词:X 分钟城市;邻近性规划;时空邻近性;规划实践;国际经验;社区生活圈
Keywords:X-Minute City; Proximity Planning; Spatio-Temporal Proximity; Planning Practice; International Experience; Community Life Circle

近年来,“X 分钟城市”规划作为应对环境和社会问题,实现可持续城市发展的重要策略,在世界范围内逐渐兴起,其核心理念强调构建X 分钟步行或骑行可达的社区空间并将该空间作为城市居民日常生活的基本单元。该理念在以邻近性为核心的空间规划模型基础上响应时间都市主义思潮,形成了强调时空邻近性的特色。笔者通过梳理“X 分钟城市”规划实践的国际经验,总结“X 分钟城市”理念在社区尺度和城市尺度的概念差异性,在物质形态、社会、交通与健康、韧性等不同视角下的内涵多样性,在空间、时间、技术等不同维度上规划方法和实施措施的丰富性;指出国际上相关实践中存在的挑战,最后从“加强社区和城市尺度规划实施传导,构建多层次时空资源供给体系”“丰富时间维度内涵,促进供需动态匹配”“构建全流程规划实施机制,开展多维度规划方法实践”三方面提出了对中国建设“X 分钟城市”的借鉴意义。


In recent years, X-minute city has gradually risen worldwide as an important strategy to cope with environmental and social issues and to achieve the goal of sustainable urban development. This concept emphasizes the construction of X-minute walking- or cyclingaccessible neighbourhoods as the basic unit of urban residents’ daily life. X-minute city is a‘spatiotemporal proximity-based’ concept influenced by the proximity-based spatial planning theories and the trend of chrono-urbanism. This paper reviews the international planning practices of X-minute city, and summarizes the differences between different definitions in community scale and city scale, their connotation diversity in different perspectives such as physical form, society, transportation and health, and resilience, as well as the richness of planning methods and implementation measures in different dimensions, such as space, time and technology. This paper then points out challenges in relevant practices world-wide, and puts forward implications for the X-minute city planning practices in China, including: strengthening the transmission of the implementation of community and urban scale planning and building a multi-level spatiotemporal resource supply system; enriching the connotation of time dimension and promoting the dynamic matching of supply and demand; building the implementation mechanism of the whole planning process and carrying out the practice of multi-dimensional planning method.





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