2023年 第6期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.006
Cross-scale Mapping as an Interpretation Methodology and Analytical Tool for the Complex Urban-Rural Landscape System

蔡佳秀 林晓钰 刘晗璐

Cai Jiaxiu, Lin Xiaoyu, Liu Hanlu

Keywords:Complex Urban-Rural Landscape System; Cross-scale; Mapping; Layer Approach; Reduction Drawing



The urban-rural landscape is a complex system which has multiple layers and diverse characters. How to distill the hierarchical spatial structure and interpret its underlying logic cross scales is the main question. The paper approaches this question from the perspectives of scale and mapping, and explores the possibilities of establishing an integrated framework that combines the two. It firstly reviews mapping applications that are on one scale, multi-scales and cross-scales, and summarizes their characters, advantages and disadvantages. The authors believe that the cross-scale approach is significantly necessary in comprehensive understanding the complex urban-rural landscape system form. Then, this paper introduces two classic Dutch morphological school mapping techniques–layer approach and reduction drawing. In which way these two techniques could be applied to decompose the morphological elements and to distill spatial characters at various scales are explained. Last but not least, the cross-scale mapping methodological framework is constructed and the water villages in the Pearl River Delta are chosen as a case to show its practical application. This paper proposes a cross-scale mapping framework to systematically decompose the hierarchical spatial structure and logic cross scales, which could provide new insights and methods to comprehensively interpret the complex urban-rural landscape system. The resulting spatial prototypes could be used as referencing data base for the urban-rural landscape regeneration.






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