2023年 第5期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.406
Trans-boundary Areas as a Type of Valuable Space: Definition, Governance and Planning

王世福 麻春晓 李欣建 孟梦

Wang Shifu, Ma Chunxiao, Li Xinjian, Meng Meng

Keywords:Trans-boundary Area; Spatial Unit; Governance Actor; Valuable Space; New Planning Type



Trans-boundary areas are characterized by their geographical proximity and so as holding unique strategic value in terms of resource exchange, value sharing, functional collaboration, service co-governance, spatial synergy, and evolved structure. Trans-boundary areas thus offer a unique opportunity to explore a new type of research and practice on spatial planning. Transboundary areas reveal complex features (e.g., multi-scale integrations and different governance actors) so as to be governed through holistic thinking, soft planning and dynamic approach, complementing traditional approaches that focus on the core-and-periphery system. This paper focuses on spatial units, governance actors and their collaborative relationship, and analyses the definition, governance and planning of trans-boundary areas. Drawing insights from the European experience, this paper identifies that defining the institutional spatial units, advocating interactive spatial governance innovation, and exploring soft and dynamic spatial planning practice can provide enlightment to the spatial planning and governance of trans-boundary areas in China.




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