2023年 第3期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.462
The Historical Changes of Urban Regeneration System in Singapore from 1960 to 2020


Tang Bin

Keywords:Urban Regeneration; Institutional System; Planning System; Administration System; Policy System; Laws and Regulations System; Historical Changes; Singapore

本文系统梳理了1960—2020 年新加坡城市更新制度体系的变迁历史,提出了更新制度体系的内容框架,剖析了更新制度体系的变迁动力、目标变迁逻辑、要素特征的变迁逻辑和变迁关系。文章指出,城市更新制度体系作为新加坡的基本国策,其变迁深受国家发展和治理水平的影响;其目标兼顾社会、经济和环境等的发展需求;其模式由早期的政府主导下的更新管理,于1980 年代转向适应市场机制的更新治理,2000 年代再转向以人为本的更新治理。尽管在不同时期新加坡城市更新制度体系的总体模式呈现不同特点,但各阶段该体系的各组成要素特征相似:长期系统的更新规划体系、持续高效的更新行政体系、多元灵活的更新政策体系和严格广泛的更新法规体系,并为适应复杂的更新管理需求而渐进完善。目前我国新时期的城市更新制度体系构建正处于探索阶段,上述经验可提供一定的思路借鉴。


This paper systematically analyzes the changes history of Singapore's urban regeneration system from 1960 to 2020 based on an international perspective, proposes the content framework of the regeneration system, and analyzes the motivation of system changes, the logic of goal changes and element characteristics changes, and changing relationships in the regeneration system. The paper points out that as a basic national policy of Singapore, the urban regeneration system has been influenced by the country's development and level of governance; the system aims to meet and balance the needs of society, economy and environment; its model has shifted from government-led regeneration management in the early stage, to market-based regeneration governance since the 1980s, and then to peoplecentered regeneration governance in the 21st century. Despite the differences in the model characteristics, the components present the characteristics of long-term and systematic regeneration planning system, continuous and efficient regeneration administration system, multiple and flexible regeneration policy system, strict and comprehensive regeneration laws and regulations system, which are gradually improved to meet the complex management requirements of urban regeneration. In view of the situation that urban regeneration system in the new period is in exploration in China, the experience of Singapore can provide enlightenment for China.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51778126, 51908115)



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