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2015年第2期 DOI:
基于生态经济视角的宜居城市建设路径研究 ——以珠海市为例
Research on Path to the Construction of Livable City Based on Eco2: A Case Study of Zhuhai, China

张婧远 陈伟劲 马学广 曾辉

Zhang Jingyuan, Chen Weijin, Ma Xueguang, Zeng Hui

Keywords:Livable City; Eco2; Construction Mode; International Case; Zhuhai

宜居城市因其对居民生活体验的关注和综合性特质成为理想的城市化发展模式,然而宜居城市研究传统认知框架下普遍存在宜居性与经济性的悖论。本文从生态经济视角探寻宜居城市的本质, 提出生态经济视角下的宜居城市强调生态可持续性与经济可持续性的协同作用,通过城市复合系统中生态安全、产业发展、交通组织、公共空间营造和文化传承等核心要素的相互耦合作用实现协同发展, 是适合发展中国家宜居城市建设的发展模式和路径。作者以珠海市宜居城市建设为实证研究载体,在生态经济视角下宜居城市内在机制的指引下,借鉴国际先进宜居城市的建设经验,构建本土化的宜居城市发展模式,以期在指引实践的同时推动我国宜居城市研究的理论实践发展。


Livable city becomes an ideal urban development mode due to its focuses on residents’ life and its comprehensiveness. In face of the paradox of livability and ecology in traditional recognization pattern, this paper explor the nature of livable city in the perspective of ecological economy, suggests that livable city based on Eco2 is appropriate for developing counties, on account of its combination of sustainability of ecology and economy, and its interaction of ecology, industry development, transportation, public space and culture. This paper takes Zhuhai as the study area, summarizes livable city construction on an international scale, building the local livable city development mode under the guidance of internal mechanism of livable city based on Eco2, in order to instruct the practice and promote the development of research on livable city in China. 


张婧远,北京大学城市规划与设计学院,硕士研究生。 xunklose@foxmail.com 



曾辉(通讯作者),北京大学城市规划与设计学院,博士生导师。 zengh@pkusz.edu.cn


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