2024年 第1期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.678
Perspective for Urban Informatics
史文中 迈克尔·古特柴尔德 迈克尔·巴蒂 李清泉 刘信陶 张安舒 著 黄雨嫣 刘超 译
Written by Shi Wenzhong, Michael Goodchild, Michael Batty, Li Qingquan, Liu Xintao, Zhang An’shu Translated by Huang Yuyan, Liu Chao
关键词:城市信息学 ;城市科学 ;城市计算 ;城市感知 ;智慧城市
Keywords:Urban Informatics; Urban Science; Urban Computing; Urban Sensing; Smart Cities
三个层次 :城市科学的未来 ;核心使能技术,包括地理空间人工智能、高精地图、量子计算、人工智能和物联网、数字孪生、可解释人工智能、
分布式机器学习、保护隐私深度学习等 ;城市信息学的应用,涵盖城市设计和规划、交通、基于位置的服务和元宇宙等方面,以及关于算法和
Abstract:The specialization of different urban sectors, theories, and technologies and their confluence in city development have led to a greatly accelerated
growth in urban informatics, the transdisciplinary field for understanding and developing the city through new information technologies. While this young and
highly promising field has attracted multiple reviews of its advances and outlook for its future, it would be instructive to probe further into the research initiatives
of this rapidly evolving field, to provide reference to the development of not only urban informatics, but moreover the future of cities as a whole. This paper
thus presents a collection of research initiatives for urban informatics, based on the reviews of the state of the art in this field. The initiatives cover three levels,
namely the future of urban science; core enabling technologies including geospatial artificial intelligence, high-definition mapping, quantum computing, artificial
intelligence and the internet of things (AIoT), digital twins, explainable artificial intelligence, distributed machine learning, privacy-preserving deep learning,
and applications in urban design and planning, transport, location-based services, and the metaverse, together with a discussion of algorithmic and data-driven
approaches. The paper concludes with hopes for the future development of urban informatics and focusses on the balance between our ever-increasing reliance
on technology and important societal concerns.
版权信息:原文刊登于《城市信息学》(Urban Informatics)杂志 2022 年第一卷,文章链接 https://doi.org/10.1007/s44212-022-00006-0 ;该论文为开放获取形式, 版权属于作者,全体作者授权我刊发表其中译文。
作者简介:史文中,博士,香港理工大学潘乐陶智慧城市研究院,院长 ;测绘及地理资讯学系,讲座教授。lswzshi@polyu.edu.hk
迈克尔·巴蒂 , 博士,伦敦大学学院巴特莱特规划学教授 ;高级空间分析中心,主任。m.batty@ucl.ac.uk
译者简介:黄雨嫣,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生。 huangyuyan@tongji.edu.cn
刘超,博士,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,助理教授 ;智慧社区分中心,主任。liuchao1020@tongji.edu.cn