2023年 第6期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.290
Perception-Signal-Emotion: Experimental Research and Exploration of Human-scale Spatial Perception Based on Physiological Signals

朱萌 陈锦富 郭嫚丽 王悦

Zhu Meng, Chen Jinfu, Guo Manli, Wang Yue

Keywords:Physiological Signal; Spatial Perception; Human-scale; Urban Regeneration; Refined Design

在当前城市更新背景下,人本尺度的空间感知测度已成为精细化空间设计的重要依据。现有主要测度方法易受到感觉阈限等问题的干扰,而基于生理信号的空间感知测度在高细粒度、实时性和反馈感知的灵敏性方面具有优势,正发展成为一种针对人本尺度空间感知测度的新方法,但目前尚缺乏对该方法的系统建构。在认知理论的基础上,首先通过重建空间感知过程,提出情绪是空间感知测度的重要中介;再根据情绪的生理响应过程,提出测度空间情绪的生理信号类型及相应的计算方法;最终完成基于“感知—信号—情绪”的空间感知测度框架构筑,并对情绪恢复性环境、空间安全感与空间活动体验等实证研究进行分类梳理。同时利用CiteSpace 对最近十年的相关文献进行回顾,发现该方法在城市更新领域和旅游空间感知研究中均具备重要研究潜力。未来需要在建立系统的测度理论、对精细化设计实践的指导及与其他多源数据相结合方面继续开展深入研究。


In the current context of urban regeneration, human-scale spatial perception measurement has become an important basis for refined urban design. The spatial perception measurement based on physiological signals has advantages in terms of high fine-grainedness, real-time performance and sensitivity of feedback perception, and is developing into a new method for human-scale spatial perception measurement. On the basis of cognitive theory, firstly by reconstructing the process of spatial perception, it is proposed that emotion is an important mediator of spatial perception measurement; then based on the physiological response process of emotion, the physiological signal types and corresponding calculation methods for measuring spatial emotion are proposed, and finally the construction of spatial perception measurement framework based on “perception-signal-emotion” is completed. The empirical researches on emotional restorative environment, spatial security and spatial activity experience are classified and sorted out. At the same time, CiteSpace is used to review the relevant literature in the past 10 years, and it is found that this method has important research potential in both the field of urban renewal and tourism spatial perception research. In the future, we need to continue to conduct in-depth research in establishing a systematic measurement theory, guiding refined design practices, and combining with other multi-source data.








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