2023年 第6期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.400
Governance Rescaling of Urban Integration: Taking Guangzhou-Foshan Area as an Example

谢石营 陈婷婷 杜志威 李郇

Xie Shiying, Chen Tingting, Du Zhiwei, Li Xun

Keywords:Rescaling; Governance; Urban Integration Planning; Planning Implementation; Guangzhou-Foshan Integration



Urban integration is an important manifestation of China's regional integration. However, domestic research on urban integration is deficiency, especially from the perspective of“scale reorganization” to explore the dynamic mechanism of urban integration and the building of multiple actors of governance in the urban integration planning process. Taking Guangzhou-Foshan area as an example, from the perspective of “scale reorganization”, this paper adopts diverse research methods including historical retrospection, policy analysis, and spatial analysis, to investigate the historical and geographical basis of urban integration and the reorganization process of governance scale. The research argue that urban integration is a new scale of regional governance. The essence of urban integration process is the kind of territorial strategy in order to improve economic competitiveness and regional competitive advantage by building a new scale structure and geographic structure, and thereby attracting new capitals to carry out a new round of regionalization process. The formation of urban integration requires historical geography and market foundation. The core driving force for the process of urban integration is the reorganization of governance scale, including the establishment of cross-city multi-levels coordination mechanism driven by projectbased, and the reorganization of governance scale.







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