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2023年 第5期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.410
Cross-border Low-carbon Action in North America: The Perspective of Polycentric Governance
段寒潇 赵志荣 Duan Hanxiao, Zhao Zhirong
Keywords:Global Climate Governance; Cross-border Governance; Low-carbon Action; Polycentric Governance; Collective Action
摘要:跨界合作正在成为推进全球气候治理实践的重要方式之一。本研究在奥斯特罗姆的制度分析与发展(IAD)框架和集体行动三要素的基础上,构建了一个整合性多情景IAD 框架,用于分析地跨美加的西部气候倡议低碳行动。本文总结了西部气候倡议成功运作的五大外部因素,包括基于气候政策的观念共识、特定的经济结构、适宜的制度环境、倡导性的地方政治以及环保领域的先锋意识。通过分析若干行动情景下参与主体的互动与合作成效,发现碳交易立法与政策体系的供给、可信价值承诺的建立、多主体监督体系的搭建这三个要素促进了跨界集体行动。本文揭示了地方与区域层面协作解决气候问题的可能性,为气候治理的跨界合作提供了重要参考。
Abstract:Cross-border cooperation is becoming one of the most essential approaches to moving forward the practice of global climate governance. Based on Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework and the three elements of collective action, this study develops an integrated multi-scenario IAD framework to analyze the Western Climate Initiative, a transboundary low-carbon action across the US and Canada. This paper summarizes five external factors for successful WCI cooperation, including a consensus based on climate policy, a particular economic structure, an appropriate institutional environment, a facilitative local politics, and a pioneering sense of environmental protection. By analyzing the interaction and cooperation effectiveness of actors in several action scenarios, we find that the provision of carbon trading legislation and policy system, the establishment of credible commitments, and multi-subject supervision structures are conducive to the sustainable development of cross-border collective action. This paper illustrates the possibility of collaborative efforts at the local and regional levels to solve the climate crisis, which provides an important reference for crossborder cooperation on climate governance.
作者简介:段寒潇,浙江大学公共管理学院,博士研究生。hanxiaoduan@zju.edu.cn 赵志荣,博士,浙江大学公共管理学院,教授,院长。jerryzhao@zju.edu.cn
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