2023年 第5期 DOI:
The Influence of European Transnational Cooperation Initiatives on the Spatial Rescaling of Environmental Governance in the Baltic Sea Region

王碧玥 孟梦 孟延春 多米尼克·斯特德

Wang Biyue, Meng Meng, Meng Yanchun, Dominic Stead

Keywords:Spatial Rescaling; Soft Space; Environmental Governance; Transnational Governance; European Union



Spatial rescaling is arguably one of the most significant focuses in European planning. The increasingly transboundary nature of many spatial planning issues and development opportunities, particularly environmental issues, has led to changes in the spatial scales at which problems are solved and planning is implemented. Spatial rescaling often gives rise to a combination of changes, including shifts in powers to other layers of decisionmaking, the emergence of new geographical scales, the appearance of new actor constellations, and new forms of governance. This paper focuses on the environmental governance of the Baltic Sea region as the case study and examines the influence of the European transnational cooperation initiative on the spatial rescaling of the region. The research findings provide experience and lessons for China’s coordinated development and governance of crossborder regions.




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