2023年 第4期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.264
A Decision-making Framework and Empirical Method for Flood Mitigation Resilience of Overall Watershed Stormwater Runoff Sharing from the Perspective of Welfare Economy: A Case Study of the Dajia River Watershed in Taiwan

张学圣 苏清木

Chang Hsueh-Sheng,Su Qingmu

关键词:减洪韧性 ;决策架构 ;径流分担 ;博弈论 ;公平与效率
Keywords:Flood Mitigation Resilience; Decision-making Framework; Runoff Sharing; Game Theory; Fairness and Efficiency

提高整体流域的抗洪能力,有赖于流域雨洪管理体系的完善,但目前仍然缺乏整体流域的减洪韧性概念框架或决策方法。本文从福利经济的视角,建构了一个兼顾公平和效率且具指导性的整体流域径流分担的韧性理论决策架构。此框架运用博弈论,建立了减洪过程中公平与效率的协商过程模型和雨洪径流的处理方式。以台湾大甲溪流域为例,仅从效率的角度来看,其上游需要承担 76.13% 的径流量 ;仅从公平的角度来看,下游需要承担 80.33% 的径流量 ;而从博弈论的角度来看,上游在博弈的模型中总是能够得到收益,在中游和下游分别承担 9.16%和 63.55% 的减洪量时,可实现流域整体最大效益。本文所建立的减洪韧性分配框架实现了流域上、中、下游减洪量的分配,可为各区未来减少雨洪灾害的工程设计进行总量控制,为各利益主体的协商提供指导,有助于提高流域的整体减洪韧性水平。


The “flood resistance” of the overall watershed needs to be incorporated into resilience and disaster prevention to improve its stormwater management system. However, there still lacks conceptual framework or decision-making methods for overall watershed flood mitigation resilience. This paper, from the perspective of welfare economy, attempts to construct a resilient theoretical decision-making framework that takes into account “fairness” and “efficiency”, and is instructive for the sharing of overall watershed runoff. This framework uses the perspective of game theory to establish a negotiation process model of fairness and efficiency in the process of flood reduction and the processing method of stormwater runoff, and realizes the distribution of flood reduction in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the river watershed, attempting to provide guidance on the total amount control of engineering design for reducing rain and flood disasters in each administrative region in the future. It is also a powerful tool for consultation among various stakeholders, providing a quantitative basis for future residents to achieve resilience and disaster prevention. It finds that from the perspective of efficiency, the upstream needs to bear 76.13% of the runoff; from the perspective of fairness, the downstream needs to bear 80.33% of the runoff; from the perspective of game theory, the upstream can always get benefits in the game model, while the midstream and downstream can have the greatest benefit when they undertake 9.16% and 63.55% of the flood reduction respectively. The framework established in this paper realizes the distribution of flood reduction in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the river watershed, and can provide guidance for the total amount control and negotiation of various stakeholders in the design of future rain and flood disaster reduction projects in various regions, helping improve the overall level of flood mitigation resilience of the river watershed.





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