2023年 第4期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.259
参与式社区高温韧性规划 —— 青少年智慧城市STEM项目的经验总结
Community-engaged Heat Resilience Planning: Lessons from a Youth Smart City STEM Program

西奥多·C. 利姆,贝福·威尔逊,雅各布·R. 格罗斯,托马斯·J. 平格尔 著 任婕 颜文涛 译

关键词:高温韧性 ;社区参与 ;青少年参与 ;智慧城市 ;环境素养 ; STEM 教育
Keywords:Heat Resilience; Community Engagement; Youth Engagement; Smart Cities; Environmental Literacy; STEM Education

虽然越来越多的人开始意识到城市极端高温的危害,但“高温韧性”仍是城市规划领域的新名词。由于缺乏能够促进居民参与的可靠 策略,在社区尺度编制和实施高温韧性规划困难重重。本研究中,我们为美国东南部弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克市 12~14 岁的青少年设计了一个为 期两周的暑期 STEM ①活动 ;通过使用红外相机、传感器、手持式天气传感器、无人机、卫星、车载气象站等设备,收集了不同类型的温度和 热舒适数据,并与学生们进行了访谈。基于活动中收集的第一手数据,我们总结出如下经验以帮助规划师推动居民参与式社区高温韧性规划 的开展,包括 :(1)居民往往难以直接认识到社区中的高温问题,以及社区间温度差异背后的社会公平问题 ;(2)需要扭转人们将高温暴露 归因于个人和家庭的思维,帮助他们从景观和社会层面认知这一问题的成因 ;(3)设计热舒适解决方案时,需要综合考虑与社区环境安全舒 适有关的一般性问题 ;(4)智慧城市技术和高分辨率数据是吸引居民参与高温韧性规划的有益抓手,但还不足以让居民认识到有关建成环境 的决策可以缓解高温。


While recognition of the dangers of extreme heat in cities continues to grow, heat resilience remains a relatively new area of urban planning. One barrier to the creation and successful implementation of neighborhood-scale heat resilience plans has been a lack of reliable strategies for resident engagement. In this research, the authors designed a two-week summer STEM module for youth ages 12 to 14 in Roanoke, Virginia in the Southeastern United States. Participants collected and analyzed temperature and thermal comfort data of varying types, including from infrared thermal cameras and point sensors, handheld weather sensors, drones, and satellites, vehicle traverses, and student peer interviews. Based on primary data gathered during the program, we offer insights that may assist planners seeking to engage residents in neighborhood-scale heat resilience planning efforts. These lessons include recognizing: (1) the problem of heat in neighborhoods and the social justice aspects of heat distribution may not be immediately apparent to residents; (2) a need to shift perceived responsibility of heat exposure from the personal and home-based to include the social and landscape-based; (3) the inextricability of solutions for thermal comfort from general issues of safety and comfort in neighborhoods; and (4) that smart city technologies and high resolution data are helpful “hooks” to engagement, but may be insufficient for shifting perception of heat as something that can be mitigated through decisions about the built environment.

版权信息:本文原载于《景观与城市规划》2022 年第 10 期(Landscape and Urban Planning, 2022, 226: 104497),爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版社授权我刊出版中 译文。

西奥多·C. 利姆,弗吉尼亚理工大学公共与国际事务学院 


雅各布·R. 格罗斯,弗吉尼亚理工大学工程教育系 

托马斯·J. 平格尔,弗吉尼亚理工大学地理系



颜文涛,博士,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室,教授,博士生导师 ;同济大学生态智慧与生态实 践研究中心,副主任。yanwt@tongji.edu.cn

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