2023年 第4期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.282
Study on Emergency Supplies Support of Urban Community Commercial Facilities Normal Conditions and Calamity: Experiences of Japan and the United States

夏静安 翟国方

Xia Jingan, Zhai Guofang

关键词:社区商业设施 ;平灾结合 ;应急生活物资 ;应急管理 ;社区韧性
Keywords:Community Commercial Facility; Combination of Normal Conditions and Calamity; Emergency Supplies; Emergency Management; Community Resilience



In the face of natural disasters and public health events, the ability of urban residents to access living supplies is one of the keys to maintaining an everyday life for residents. It is also a critical microcosmic manifestation of urban resilience. Currently, the construction of emergency supplies for communities in China still needs improvement. The “last foot” of the supply chain has become a key challenge for emergency supplies. Japan and the United States have widely promoted the construction of emergency functions in community commercial facilities to strengthen the ability to guarantee emergency supplies at the community level. This paper starts with theories of urban resilience and combination of normal conditions and calamity. By sorting out the current problems in building emergency supply systems at the community level in China, summarizing construction and management problems in the transition of the urban community commercial facilities between normal times and disaster periods and analyzing the experience of use of urban community commercial facilities in disaster period in Japan and the United States, this paper proposes several suggestions to strengthen the efficiency of transition between normal times and disaster periods and the emergency management capacity of the urban community commercial facilities. These suggestions include: establishing regulations for using community commercial facilities in disaster periods, improving cooperation mechanism by support policy, strengthening the disaster adaptation capacity of hardware facilities, constructing emergency plans for continuous operation.





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