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2015年 第4期 DOI:
非洲分形之美—— 评《非洲分形:现代计算模拟与本土设计研究》
The Beauty of Fractals in Africa: Review of African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design


Yang Xiaodan

Keywords:Chaos Fractal; African Settlements; Study on Graphical Fractal; Dynamic Seed Shape



Based mainly on chaos fractal theory, supported by graphical analysis and computer simulation, the book African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design has made a comprehensive and deep analysis on fractals in African indigenous designs. This paper introduces the framework and main contents of “African Fractals”, and makes an important part on the introduction of three forms of fractal settlements based on urban and rural study, which are rectangular fractals in settlement architecture, circular fractals in settlement architecture, and branching fractals. By listing fractal examples in African settlements, daily life and graphical analysis on them, it provides solid evidences for the existence of fractals in architecture and settlement, and hopefully provide diverse study perspectives, brief and creative analysis approaches on fractal study on urban and rural settlements and architectures.




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