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2015年第2期 DOI:


关键词:大都市;创意产业区;空间透视与空间效应; 大都市空间重构;创意城市建设路径
Keywords:Metropolis; Creative Industrial Districts(CIDs); Spatial Effects of CIDs Growth and a Geographical Perspective; Restructuring of the Metropolitan Space; the Construction of Creative City

创意产业兴起于大都市,并重组大都市产业空间、文化与社会空间;创意产业的发展以创意产业集聚区为载体,产业区的空间效应及其空间运动,直接重组后工业大都市空间结构。研究发现“大都市产业升级—创意产业区形成与演化—大都市空间重构—创意都市建设”不仅是创意城市建设的实践范式, 而且破解了“创意城市”假说,使其从空想走向大都市行动计划,从而有效推动21 世纪中国创意城市的理论探索与建设实践。


The creative industries emerge from metropolitan and rebuilt the industrial, cultural and social spaces of metropolis ; the development of creative industry is based on creative industrial districts (CIDs). Its spatial effect and movement directly reconstruct the post industrial metropolis spatial structure. The study shows that “the upgrade of industrial structure in metropolis—the formation and evolution of CIDs—reconstructing metropolis space—constructing the creative metropolis” is not only the practice paradigm of creative city construction, but also interpreting the creative city hypotheses, making it from fantasy to metropolis planning, so as to promote the theoretical research and practice of China’s creative city in 21st century. 

基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究项目资助(编号:09YJA790071);宁波大学博士科研启动基金、上海市生产力学会2011 年青年学者研究项目联合资助。

马仁锋,宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,理学博士,讲师。 marfxf@126.com 

沈玉芳,华东师范大学长江流域发展研究院,博士,教授, 博士生导师



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