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——国际简讯 ——国内简讯 ——期刊导航 ——新书推介 ——专题研究——案例集萃
2021年 第1期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.058
城市:可计算的复杂有机系统 —— 评《创造未来城市》
City: Computable Complex Organic Systems—Review on Inventing Future Cities

杨俊宴 郑屹

Yang Junyan, Zheng Yi

Keywords:Future Cities; Digitalization; Informatization; Innovative Technology; Urban Planning



As the information and digital technologies is embedded in all aspects of human production and life, the original modes of urban production, distance and social structure are all experiencing a great transformation in recent years. And the urban and social patterns are accelerating towards an uncertain future since the first industrial revolution. Therefore, what is the future cities? How to predict and invent it? These questions have become the philosophical questions in urban studies field. Under this background, Professor Betty’s book entitled “Inventing Future Cities” affirms the complexity and unpredictability of cities and reviewed the past and current situation of cities through an objective and comprehensive perspective. Furthermore, the book also discussed the universal concepts of inventing future city based on the advanced digital technology and the changing trend. This paper reviews the core ideas and main conclusion in the content of this book by combing with the author’s thinking on practice of cities through interdisciplinary and spatial-temporal perspectives. Also, this paper reviews the book through the aspects of urban evolution, urban essence, urban operation mechanism and how urban planning intervene in the inventing process.





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