2023年 第4期 DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2023.269
风险扰动视角下城市空间结构的韧性机理研究 —— 理论框架与实证方法
Study on the Resilience Mechanism of Urban Spatial Structure from the View of Risk Disturbance: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Methodology

颜文涛 李子豪

Yan Wentao, Li Zihao

关键词:韧性城市 ; 空间韧性 ; 城市网络 ; 生活服务 ; 韧性机理
Keywords:Resilient City; Urban Spatial Resilience; Urban Network; Available to Life Services; Resilience Mechanisms

理解风险扰动过程中城市空间结构的演化机理和影响机制,对韧性城市 规划建设具有重要的理论与实践意义。本文立足于流网络与物质空间网络的耦 合关系,解构“风险扰动—空间结构—居民生活”关联逻辑,剖析风险扰动作 用下城市空间结构与居民生活之间的关系 ;以要素流动为介质,将风险扰动、 空间结构、居民生活纳入统一的分析框架,从风险扰动对城市空间结构的作用 机制、城市空间结构的动态演化、城市空间结构变化和空间应急响应四个层面, 建立起风险扰动视角下城市空间结构的韧性机理研究理论框架 ;结合典型风险 扰动场景,从空间网络构建、城市韧性测度、关键要素识别和智慧韧性治理四 个方面提出韧性机理研究的实证方法。本文可为城市韧性机理和可视化优化调 控研究提供新的视角。


Understanding the mechanism of risk disturbances and its dynamic processes  on urban spatial structure is of great practical and theoretical significance for resilient  urban planning and construction. This paper analyzes the relationship of urban  spatial structure and residents’ lives under the effect of risk disturbances based on the  coupling relationship between flow network and spatial network. We integrate risk  disturbance, spatial structure, and daily life into a unified analytical framework by using  elements’ flow as the medium. From the perspective of risk disturbance, we develop a  theoretical framework for studying the resilience mechanism of urban spatial structure  at four levels: the mechanism by which risk disturbance affects urban spatial structure,  the dynamics of urban spatial structure, the change of urban spatial structure, and  space emergency response. An empirical method to investigate urban spatial structure  resilience mechanisms is proposed by combining typical risk disturbance scenarios with  four components: construction of spatial networks, urban resilience measurement,  identification of key elements, and smart resilience governance, providing a new  perspective for researches on urban resilience mechanism and optimal spatial regulation.


颜文涛(通信作者),博士,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,高密度人居环境 生态与节能教育部重点实验室,教授,博士生导师 ;同济大学生态智慧与生 态实践研究中心,副主任。yanwt@tongji.edu.cn 



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